Gooch Family Dental

Gum Contouring for Small Teeth

Apr 11, 2019 @ 09:00 AM — by Burton Gooch
Tagged with: Gum Contouring

When someone visualizes their ideal smile, they usually focus on the appearance of the teeth. Most people want a set of straight, white teeth. Unfortunately, even if the teeth are beautifully aligned, they may have an excessive amount of gum tissue. Low hanging gum tissue can contribute to the appearance of a gummy smile and teeth that look much smaller than they actually are.

At Gooch Family Dental, we want all of our patients to enjoy a smile that makes them proud. We offer a comprehensive range of cosmetic dentistry treatments to address aesthetic flaws and enhance the appearance of the teeth.

When it comes to excessive gum tissue, gum contouring treatment is often the best solution. Gum contouring enhances small teeth, making them look larger, so our Birmingham, AL patients can achieve an attractive, well-balanced smile.

How Can Gum Contouring Help Small Teeth?

Small teeth can make patients feel self-conscious about the appearance of the smile. Most people do have a substantial amount of tooth structure. The problem is that excessive gum tissue can hang over the teeth and cover up a good portion of the tooth’s crown. This makes the teeth look small and gives the smile a disproportionate appearance.

Gum contouring helps the appearance of small teeth by eliminating extra gum tissue, lifting the gum line, and revealing more of the natural tooth structure. This makes the teeth look larger and more prominent, so that the smile is more balanced.

The Procedure

Our dental team offers traditional and laser gum contouring treatment. While these techniques vary slightly, each involves the safe and pain-free removal of excessive gum tissue to create a higher, straighter gum line.

During a traditional gum contouring procedure, we will use a dental tool to trim the gum tissues. We begin by using local anesthetic to numb the gums so that patients remain comfortable throughout treatment. Gum tissues are then carefully trim the tissue until we achieve the desired proportions between the teeth and gums.

When laser gum contouring is performed, a dental laser is used to remove excess gum tissues. Laser gum contouring cauterizes the blood vessels as it removes tissues, so this procedure is known to cause less bleeding and less pain. Still, we typically use local anesthetic to ensure that the treatment is completely comfortable for the patient.


Whether patients opt for traditional or laser gum contouring treatment, they will benefit from more prominent teeth that enhance the beauty of the smile. Gum contouring improves the balance of the teeth and gums so that patients can enjoy the appearance of more prominent, healthy-looking teeth.

Contact Us

If you want to see more teeth and less gums when you smile, you may be an ideal candidate for gum contouring. To find out more about this cosmetic dentistry treatment, contact us at your earliest convenience. You can also schedule an appointment with one of the experienced dentists at Gooch Family Dental by calling us at (205) 545-8001.