Gooch Family Dental

Repair Your Smile with Treatment for Chipped Teeth

Apr 12, 2016 @ 09:00 AM — by Burton Gooch
Tagged with: Cosmetic Dentistry Restorative Dentistry

All of the teeth have root canals, which are filled with nerves and other delicate tissues. The root canals are surrounded by the dentin and enamel structures of the tooth. The enamel is the hard and durable outermost layer of the tooth that is meant to withstand daily wear and tear. However, tooth enamel is not indestructible; chips and fractures can affect the enamel, increasing the risk of root canal infection and other dental problems. Dr. Burton Gooch offers cosmetic and restorative dentistry treatments to rebuild the structure of a damaged tooth so that patients do not have to compromise the health or aesthetics of their smile due to a chipped tooth. Here, we discuss some of the most common treatments for chipped teeth that we perform on our Birmingham, AL patients.

Restorative Treatments for Chipped Teeth

Most patients are concerned about chipped teeth because of how they affect the appearance of the smile. However, dental chips can also expose the sensitive inner layers of the tooth, leaving it vulnerable to dental complications. Restorative dental treatments replace the damaged tooth structure to restore the strength of the tooth while providing protection for the tooth’s inner layer. Below are two common restorative dental treatments for chipped teeth.

Cosmetic Treatments for Chipped Teeth

Chips in the teeth are often minor, so they do not always threaten the health and structure of the tooth. However, even the smallest chip can greatly impact the smile, especially if it is on one of the front teeth. Cosmetic dental treatments can conceal a chip in the tooth in order to improve the appearance of the smile. Below are two cosmetic dental treatments that can address chipped teeth:

Schedule an Appointment

Dr. Burton Gooch offers treatment for chipped teeth to restore the beauty of the smile while protecting the teeth from further dental complications. To learn more about our comprehensive range of dental treatments, schedule an appointment with Dr. Gooch at your earliest convenience.