Gooch Family Dental

Sensitive Teeth: Causes and Treatment

Sep 26, 2013 @ 02:08 PM — by summer
Tagged with: Dental Services

Sensitive teeth are a discomfort within one or more than one tooth that is often triggered through sweet, cold, hot or sour drinks and foods. Breathing cold air is another trigger for those with sensitive teeth. Pains can be all of a sudden, sharp and shooting deep within your nerve endings of the teeth.

Causes of Sensitive Teeth

Sensitive teeth are the direct result of the underneath layer of your teeth becoming exposed from gum tissue that is receding. Roots, which aren't covered from the hard enamel of your teeth, contain a number of tiny tubules that all lead into the nerve center of the tooth. These tubules allow your stimuli to make its way into your tooths nerve, which is what causes you to feel the pain. Many factors attribute to sensitive teeth such as:

Reduce the Sensitivity in Your Mouth

Preventing sensitivity is as simple as following the following procedures:

Reducing the Sensitivity of Your Teeth

If you are still dealing with pain and discomfort, you will want to speak with the dentist. A variety of different dental procedures can help to reduce the amount of sensitivity you are experiencing, such as: