Gooch Family Dental

Dental Implants: Advantages, Success and Coverage Options

Aug 19, 2013 @ 12:30 PM — by summer
Tagged with: Dental Implants

Even though there have been a number of improvements in the dental industry, millions of individuals will suffer with losing their teeth. Most of the time, the loss is related to gingivitis, decay or an injury. For a number of years, the only option to help treat this loss was with a bridge or dentures. Today, dental implantsare taking over the industry.

Dental Implants: What Are They?

Implants are a replacement for the roots of your teeth. They help to provide a strong foundation for those who want removable or fixed replacement teeth that are made to resemble that of your natural looking teeth.

Advantages to Getting Implants

Numerous benefits exist to getting implants such as:

Success of Dental Implants

The actual success rate in implants is going to vary depending upon where it is in the jaw that the implant is going to be placed. Generally, they have a 98 percent success rate. When you take the time to care for them properly, you can expect them to last a lifetime.

Is Everyone Eligible to Get an Implant?

In the vast majority of cases, anyone who is healthy enough to go through a regular extraction or oral surgery is going to be considered for an implant. Those who have gums that are healthy and sufficient bone to hold onto the implant can get one. You will also need to be committed to proper oral hygiene as well as regular visits to the dentist. Those who smoke heavily, suffer from any chronic disorders or have radiation therapy to your neck and head area will need to be evaluated individually to determine eligibility. For those who are contemplating an implant, you will want to ask the dentist if they are going to work properly for you.

Will My Insurance Company Cover My Implant?

Generally, implants are not going to be covered by your insurance provider. It may be possible to get coverage under your insurance provider, but it is going to depend upon the plan you have and the underlying reason why you lost the tooth. You will want to discuss all of the details about your needs and their relation to your insurance provider with the dental professional and the insurance company.

Getting the Implant

First, your dentist will work to develop an individual plan of treatment for your specific case. This plan will address your individual needs. A dedicated team of professionals that are experienced and trained in restorative dentistry and oral surgery will prepare the plan. They will provide coordinated care that is based upon the option that is going to work the best for your specific case.

Next, your root implant is placed into your bone socket where the tooth is missing. As the area heals, it will grow around your metal post that is implanted, which is going to anchor it securely to your jaw. On average, it will take anywhere from six to 12 weeks for the healing process to complete.

Once you have the implant bonded into your jawbone, the small connector post will be attached to help hold your new tooth securely in place. For the dentist to make your new tooth, they will need to take impressions of your existing teeth to help create a model of your bite. The new tooth is going to be based entirely upon the model that is created. A crown is then attached onto your abutment.

Instead of having a number of different crowns, the patient can have an attachment placed on the implant that will help to support and retain dentures that are removable. They will match the new teeth to look the same as your existing teeth, so as not to draw attention to the difference in color. Since they are secured within your jawbone, your new teeth are going to feel, look and function in the same manner as your natural teeth.

Are Implants Painful?

Most of the time, people will tell you that the implants are not very painful at all. There is the option of using a local anesthetic throughout the procedure. If you ask a number of patients about the procedure, they will tell you that the pain was less than that of having their tooth extracted. After you have the procedure completed, the mild soreness can be rectified with a simple pain medication that can be purchased over the counter.

Caring for the Implants

Implants are going to require the same type of oral hygiene as your natural teeth do. Make sure you are flossing, brushing and visiting the dentist for your regularly scheduled checkups.